Do you remember?

Who said, " Pax Vobiscum, Dominus Vobiscum, Nautae
Domini" everyday?

What was the proper attire for a Rah Rah Boy? (How
many are coming to the reunion and should we dress

Do you remember what the student body voted for as the
school colors and the administration subsequently (and
wisely) overruled?

Anyone remember the Famous "Catcher in the Rye"
lecture in American Civ.?

Anyone remember Mr. Bell showing his dental work and
recounting which basketball games he lost what teeth

Remember the Highlander flag incident at Annandale? (I
actually know someone who was a student there when it

How many basketball games did the coaches go

Send answers to:


Doug Steakley, Rocky McCutcheon, John Grier
John Grier, Craig Rice, Joe Zehner
Coach YostCoach Knupp
This page was last updated: May 3, 2007